Magic Contest:  Overview
Report contest:  SWAN Games Online Bridge

 Magic Contest
       Enter results
       Enter contracts
       Double dummy
       Report contest
          Master points
          Master pts (more)
          Point league
          Automatic e-mail
          Automatic FTP
    Country versions
    Price list

Tomas Brenning
Tel:     +46 171 47 50 37
Fax:     ---
Mobile: +46 70 742 77 42

Veckholms-Åkerby 2
SE-745 99  Enköping

Alternate e-mail address:

Magic Contest can connect directly to SWAN and transmit scores, continuously or after the event, both for pair events and for team events.

Scores can be presented for home use and for use at the venue. The latter is suitable for presentation on computer projectors since it takes no manual interaction to keep the screens updated.

* Normal report screens (static)
* Automatic report screens (scrolling)

Visit SWAN Games
By Laila Leonhardt
& Matt Reklaitis

The spring and early summer of 2004 saw the following Swedish events being broadcast over the internet:

EBL Chefs de Mission
Swedish Teams Trials
Swedish Teams Finals

At a higher level, EBL decided to use Magic Contest and SWAN for continuous scoring during the 47th European Bridge Teams Championships 2004:

European Open Teams
European Women Teams
European Senior Teams
European Senior Teams - A final
European Senior Teams - B final